My research experience spans rivers and the coastal zone. Both in fresh and salt waters I have won my spurs, as illustrated by scientific publications in peer reviewed journals such as Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, River Research and Applications, Hydrobiologia, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Sedimentology, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Journal on Contingencies and Crisis Management.
Scientific publications in peer reviewed journals:
- Frings, R. and W.B.M. ten Brinke, 2017. Ten reasons to set up sediment budgets for river management. International Journal of River Basin Management.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M., Knoop, J., Muilwijk, H. and W. Ligtvoet, 2017. Social disruption by flooding, a European perspective. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 21: 312-322.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M., 2011. Europa ist anfällig für die Zukunft. Die Auswerkungen des Klimawandels. Planerin 3_11: 5-6.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M, Kolen, B., Dollee, A., Van Waveren, H. and K. Wouters, 2010. “Contingency planning for large-scale floods in the Netherlands”. Journal on Contingencies and Crisis management, vol. 18 (1): 55-69.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M, Saeijs, G.E.M., Helsloot, I. and J. van Alphen (2008). “Safety chain approach in flood risk management.” Municipal Engineer, vol. 161, pp. 93-102.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M., Bannink, B.A. and W. Ligtvoet (2008). The evaluation of flood risk policy in the Netherlands. Journal of Watermanagement, vol. 161, pp. 181-188.
- Kleinhans, M.G., Wilbers, A.W.E. and W.B.M. ten Brinke (2007). “Opposite hysteresis of sand and gravel transport opstream and downstream of a bifurcation during a flood in the River Rhine, the Netherlands.” Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 86, No. 3, pp. 273-285.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M., Schulze, F.H. and P. van der Veer (2004). “Sand exchange between groyne field beaches along the Rhine and the main channel: the impact of navigation traffic versus river flow.” River Research and Applications, Vol. 20, pp. 899-928.
- Wilbers, A.W.E. and W.B.M. ten Brinke (2003). “The response of subaqueous dunes to floods in sand and gravel bed reaches of the Dutch Rhine.” Sedimentology, Vol. 50, pp. 1013-1034.
- Julien, P.Y., Klaassen, G.J., Ten Brinke, W.B.M. and A.W.E. Wilbers (2002). “Case study: Bed resistance of the Rhine River during 1998 flood.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 128, pp. 1042-1050.
- Kleinhans, M.G. and W.B.M. ten Brinke (2001). “Accuracy of cross-channel sampled sediment transport in large sand-gravel-bed rivers.” Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 127, pp. 258-269.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M., Wilbers, A.W.E. and C. Wesseling (1999). “Dune growth, decay and migration rates during a large-magnitude flood at a sand and mixed sand-gravel bed of the Dutch Rhine river system.” Spec. Publs int. Ass. Sediment., Vol. 28, pp. 15-32.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M., Kruyt, N.M., Kroon, A. and J.H. van den Berg (1999). “Erosion of sediments between groynes in the River Waal as a result of navigation traffic.” Spec. Publs int. Ass. Sediment., Vol. 28, pp. 147-160.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1998). “The importance of large-magnitude floods for long-term sediment transport and morphodynamics in the Dutch Rhine river system.” In: Kroon and Ruessink (eds) Geographical developments in coastal morphodynamics. A tribute to Joost Terwindt. Utrecht University, pp. 59-81.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M., Schoor, M.M., Sorber, A.M. and H.J.A. Berendsen (1998). “Overbank deposition by large-magnitude floods in the Dutch sand-bed Rhine river system.” Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol. 23, pp. 809-824.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M., Augustinus, P.G.E.F. and G.W. Berger (1995). “Sedimentation on musselbeds in the Oosterschelde (The Netherlands), determined from echosoundings, radio-isotopes, and biodeposition field experiments.” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 40, pp. 195-217.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1994). “In situ aggregate size and settling velocity in the Oosterschelde tidal basin (The Netherlands).” Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, Vol. 32, pp. 23-35.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1994). “Settling velocities of mud aggregates in the Oosterschelde tidal basin (The Netherlands) determined by a submersible video system.” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 39, pp. 549-564.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M., J. Dronkers and J.P.M. Mulder (1994). “Fine-grained sediment in the Oosterschelde before and after partial closure.” Hydrobiologia, Vol. 282/283, pp. 41-56.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. and J. Dronkers (1993). “Physical and biotic aspects of fine-sediment import in the Oosterschelde tidal basin (The Netherlands).” Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, Vol. 31, pp. 19-36.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1989). “Tidal asymmetry and fine suspended sediment transport in the Eastern Scheldt tidal basin (The Netherlands).” In: W. Michaelis (ed.). Coastal and Estuarine Studies 36, Springer-Verlag, pp. 135-140.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M., S. Karstens and J. van Deen (eds, 2010). "Sustainable water management under climate change. How to develop strategies for an uncertain future." Publication for, and in collaboration with Deltares.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. and I.H. Casteren van Cattenburch (2009). “Learning from innovating”, Published by the Network Delta Technology (written in Dutch).
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (2008). “Together in action – disaster relief workers and water managers in joint action during floods”. Published by the Dutch Taskforce Flood Management (written in Dutch).
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (2007). “Land in Sea – The water history of the Netherlands”, Published by Veen Magazines (written in Dutch).
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (2005). “The Dutch Rhine – a restrained river”, Published by Veen Magazines. Also published in Dutch and in Chinese.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. and B.A. Bannink (2004). “Dutch dikes and risk hikes – a thematic policy evaluation of risks of flooding in the Netherlands”. Published by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (written in Dutch).
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1993). “The impact of biological factors on the deposition of fine-grained sediment in the Oosterschelde (The Netherlands).” PhD-thesis Utrecht University
Contributions to books
- Ministry for Infrastructure and the Environment and STOWA (2016). Flood Safety - Understanding definitions 2.0 (Waterveiligheid Begrippen begrijpen 2.0, text in Dutch).
- Saeijs, G.E.M. and W.B.M. ten Brinke (2008). Chapter “Evacuation in International Perspective: dilemmas and lessons”, in: “Evacuation: Studies into Theory and Practice” (written in Dutch).
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. and S.N. Jonkman (2008). Chapter “Coastal Safety and Space”, in: Hidding and Van der Vlist (eds), “Space and Water”, Sdu uitgevers (written in Dutch).
Papers for international conferences
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (2015). "Relevance of the sediment budget for navigation and river management". Proceedings 17. Gewässermorphologisches Kolloquium, Koblenz, Germany.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (2014). "Social disruption by flooding: a European perspective" (abstract). Conference Deltas in Times of Climate Change, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (2009). “The Dutch Rhine branches: dynamics of restrained rivers.” Proceedings 12. Gewässermorphologisches Kolloquium, Koblenz, Germany.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (2008). “The Dutch Rhine branches: dynamics of restrained rivers.” Proceedings 4th International Symposum on River Environment, Seoul, Korea (written in Korean).
- Wilbers, A.W.E. and W.B.M. ten Brinke (1999). “Development of subaqueous dunes in the Rhine and Waal, the Netherlands. A preliminary note.” Proceedings IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Genova, Italy, 6-10 September 1999, Volume 1: 303-312.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. and A.W.E. Wilbers (1999). “Spatial and temporal variability of dune properties and bedload transport during a flood at a sand bed reach of the Dutch Rhine river system.” Proceedings IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Genova, Italy, 6-10 September 1999, Vol. 2, pp. 309-318.
- Unen, R.F. van, Beuzekom, A.A., Ten Brinke, W.B.M. and H.L.H. Cox (1998). “CCP - Correlation Current Profiler: a comparison between laboratory and field measurements.” Proceedings Oceanology ‘98.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1996). “Temporal variability in aggregate size and settling velocity in the Oosterschelde (The Netherlands).” Proceedings '4th Nearshore and Estuarine Cohesive Sediment Transport Conference', Wallingford, 1994.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1996). “The impact of primarily produced organic matter on the aggregation of suspended sediment.” Arch. Hydrobiol. Spec. Issues Advanc. Limnol., Vol. 47, pp. 77-91. International Symposium 'Particulate Matter in Rivers and Estuaries', Hamburg, 1994.
Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1991). “Quantifying mud exchange between the Eastern Scheldt tidal basin and the North Sea.” Proceedings Conference 'Coastal Sediments', Seattle, 1991.
Other, mostly Dutch, publications: - Karstens, S., Ten Brinke, W. en J. van Ruijven (2009). Elders de delta ontwerpen. Hup Holland Magazine 2 (2): 9-10.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (2003). “The sediment budget of groyne fields along the river Waal.” Rijkswaterstaat RIZA report No. 2003.002.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. and E. Gölz (2001). “Bed level changes and sediment budget of the Rhine near the German – Dutch border.” Rijkswaterstaat RIZA report No. 2001.044.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (2001). “Sediment budget of the Rhine branches 2000.” Rijkswaterstaat RIZA report No. 2001.043.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1999). “How do we keep the river navigable? Bed degradation Rhine asks for attention.” Journal Land+Water No. 9: 24-27.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1997). “The river bed grain size of the Rhine branches Waal and IJssel in 1966, 1976, 1984 and 1995.” Rijkswaterstaat RIZA report No. 97.009.
- Kleinhans, M.G. and W.B.M. ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1998). “The undertow – Bed load of sand and gravel.” Journal Natuur en Techniek No. 1, pp. 32-40.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1993). “Changes in the sediment transport in the Eastern Scheldt tidal basin due to the construction of the storm surge barrier and additional compartment dams.” Journal Zeeland, Vol. 3, No. 1.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1992). “Cohesive sediments in the Scheldt estuary: pathways and adventures (report in 2 parts).” Reports No. R92-9 and R92-10, Utrecht University, Institute for Marine and Atmospherical Research IMAU.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1991). “The impact of the Delta Project on the sediment composition of the intertidal flats in the Eastern Scheldt tidal basin.” Report GEOPRO No. 1991.03, Utrecht University, Department of Physical Geography.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1991). “The exchange of cohesive sediments and particulate organic carbon between the Eastern Scheldt tidal basin and the North Sea after the completion of the Delta Project.” Report GEOPRO No. 1991.02, Utrecht University, Department of Physical Geography.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1990). “An environmental monitoring station inside the Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier.” Report GEOPRO No. 1990.06, Utrecht University, Department of Physical Geography.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1990). “Sand transport through the Eastern Scheldt storm surge barrier during storm.” Report GEOPRO No. 1990.05, Utrecht University, Department of Physical Geography.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1988). “Tide-induced cohesive sediment transport in the Eastern Scheldt tidal basin.” Report BALANS No. 39, Rijkswaterstaat.
- Ten Brinke, W.B.M. (1987). “Cohesive sediment transport in the Eastern Scheldt tidal basin.” Report BALANS No. 29, Rijkswaterstaat.